Lansare DVD si Blu-ray ‘The Hateful Eight’ (2015)

Autor: Revista Blogurilor

” The man who pulls the lever, that breaks your neck will be a dispassionate man. And that dispassion is the very essence of justice. For justice delivered without dispassion, is always in danger of not being justice.”

Incepand cu luna mai 2016 „The Hateful Eight” este disponibil in format Blu-Ray si DVD in toate magazinele de specialitate!

Sinopsis: La cativa ani de la terminarea Razboiului Civil American, o trasura goneste prin peisajul inghetat al Wyoming-ului. Pasagerii, vanatorul de recompense John Ruth (Russel) si captura sa, Daisy Domergue (Leigh), se indr… citeste mai mult

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