INEDIT Campanie de protejare a celor care îşi fac selfie

Autor: Roxana Popa

Selfie-ul perfect implică sacrificii uriaşe, cel puţin asta susţin unele vedete din SUA. În Rusia însă, aceste fotografii sunt periculoase şi chiar mortale, motiv pentru care autorităţile au lansat o campanie de prevenţie.

Trendul selfie a înnebunit întreaga lume, unele vedete reuşind să facă bani frumoşi de pe urma lui. Kim Kardashian, de exemplu, va publica o carte ce va cuprinde doar astfel de fotografii şi care, potrivit experţilor, se va vinde ca pâinea caldă. Un selfie „perfect” implică însă şi sacrificii care, în unele cazuri, pot fi chiar mortale. Primii care au realizat pericolul sunt ruşii, care au lansat recent o amplă campanie de prevenţie pentru tineri. Însoţită de mesajul „Un selfie cool ar putea să te coste viaţa”, campania a fost iniţiată de ministerul de interne şi este popularizată prin intermediul broşurilor, al spoturilor TV, dar şi al unui website. Totodată, autorităţile au realizat o serie de semne, care le imită pe cele de circulaţie, menite să le explice tinerilor că nu este bine să îşi facă selfie pe acoperişurile caselor, în faţa trenului sau a maşinilor care circulă sau în timpul avalanşelor.

How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies.  "Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks," Russia's Interior Ministry states in the "Safe Selfie" document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an "abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie."

How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies. „Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks,” Russia’s Interior Ministry states in the „Safe Selfie” document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an „abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie.”

How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies.  "Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks," Russia's Interior Ministry states in the "Safe Selfie" document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an "abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie."

How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies. „Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks,” Russia’s Interior Ministry states in the „Safe Selfie” document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an „abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie.”

How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies.  "Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks," Russia's Interior Ministry states in the "Safe Selfie" document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an "abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie."

How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies. „Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks,” Russia’s Interior Ministry states in the „Safe Selfie” document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an „abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie.”

How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies.  "Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks," Russia's Interior Ministry states in the "Safe Selfie" document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an "abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie."

How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies. „Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks,” Russia’s Interior Ministry states in the „Safe Selfie” document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an „abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie.”

How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies.  "Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks," Russia's Interior Ministry states in the "Safe Selfie" document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an "abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie."

How to Avoid Deadly Selfies, a guide by the Russian government. The Russian government has published a guide that warns its citizens about the dangers of taking risky selfies. „Your health and your life are worth more than a million likes on social networks,” Russia’s Interior Ministry states in the „Safe Selfie” document published on its website, which it adds was created in the wake of an „abundance of recent cases of trauma and even death while trying to make an original selfie.”

Zeci de răniţi de la începutul anului Autorităţile ruse au lansat această campanie după ce, în primele luni ale anului, peste o sută de persoane au suferit răni grave, iar 12 chiar şi-au pierdut viaţa în timp ce încercau să facă astfel de fotografii.

Ultima victimă este o tânără de 21 de ani care s-a împuşcat în cap în timp ce îşi făcea un selfie.


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