A ajuns în SPITAL după o noapte de dragoste cu iubitul: Ce obiect a rămas în ea / FOTO

Healthy Living
Autor: Cristi Teodorescu

O britanica a ajuns la spital cu o problema mai neobisnuita. Tanara a ramas cu un vibrator intepenit in posterior dupa o noapte romantica petrecuta alaturi de iubitul ei.

Emma Phillips a fost dusa de urgenta la spital de catre iubitul ei, dupa o seara petrecuta in doi. Conform Metro, tanarul s-a gandit sa ii faca o farsa si i-a pus un vibrator sub perna. Insa lucrurile au luat o intorsatura neasteptata, dupa ce vibratorul a ramas blocat in posteriorul tinerei, in timp ce functiona.

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Desi i-a fost rusine, femeia nu a avut de ales si a trebuit sa mearga la spital. Aceasta a povestit ca iubitul ei a incercat tot felul de unelte ca sa o ajute si sa scoata obiectul intruziv, inclusiv cleste de gratar sau o furculita de gratar, dar dupa o ora in care incercarile lor nu au dat rezultate, si-au dat seama ca trebuie sa ajunga de urgenta la spital.
„Amandoi bausem in acea seara, deci nu puteam conduce si a trebuit sa sun la urgenta, a fost cel mai rusinos telefon din viata mea. Incepuse sa ma doara foarte tare, mai ales ca inca functiona vibratorul. Desi mi-a fost rusine, nu am avut de ales” a povestit Emma.

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Dupa ce i-au facut radiografie, doctorii au operat-o, iar dupa 45 de minute, Emma era in afara oricarui pericol. Acum, tanara vrea ca prin povestea ei sa atraga atentia si altor persoane, in primul rand sa nu fie rusine sa se duca la spital daca au un astfel de incident, dar sa fie si mai atenti decat a fost ea, informează PRO TV.

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PIC BY MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: EMMA PHILLIPS, 24 AND BOYFRIEND LEE MILLER, 29) A student teacher who got a buzzing SEVEN INCH sex toy lodged up her BUM was forced to have it surgically removed after DIY extraction methods including using a fork handle and BBQ prongs failed. Mum-of-one Emma Phillips, from Wallasey, Merseyside, was feeling amorous with partner Lee Miller during the early hours of Saturday morning (Oct 1) when the sex toy ëdisappearedí. Initially thinking Lee had hidden the vibrator under a pillow as a prank, it was only when Emma pressed down on her stomach and felt a buzzing that she realised it had vanished up her back passage. SEE MERCURY COPY

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PIC BY LAURA SHEPHERD/MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: EMMA PHILLIPS, 24, FROM WALLASEY, MERSEYSIDE HOLDING A REPLICA SEX TOY) A student teacher who got a buzzing SEVEN INCH sex toy lodged up her BUM was forced to have it surgically removed after DIY extraction methods including using a fork handle and BBQ prongs failed. Mum-of-one Emma Phillips, from Wallasey, Merseyside, was feeling amorous with partner Lee Miller during the early hours of Saturday morning (Oct 1) when the sex toy ëdisappearedí. Initially thinking Lee had hidden the vibrator under a pillow as a prank, it was only when Emma pressed down on her stomach and felt a buzzing that she realised it had vanished up her back passage. SEE MERCURY COPY


PIC BY LAURA SHEPHERD/MERCURY PRESS (PICTURED: EMMA PHILLIPS, 24, FROM WALLASEY, MERSEYSIDE HOLDING A REPLICA SEX TOY) A student teacher who got a buzzing SEVEN INCH sex toy lodged up her BUM was forced to have it surgically removed after DIY extraction methods including using a fork handle and BBQ prongs failed. Mum-of-one Emma Phillips, from Wallasey, Merseyside, was feeling amorous with partner Lee Miller during the early hours of Saturday morning (Oct 1) when the sex toy ëdisappearedí. Initially thinking Lee had hidden the vibrator under a pillow as a prank, it was only when Emma pressed down on her stomach and felt a buzzing that she realised it had vanished up her back passage. SEE MERCURY COPY

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