O profesoară a șocat când s-a dezbrăcat pe net: Ce a decis conducerea școlii / FOTO HOT

Autor: Cristi Teodorescu

O profesoară din Marea Britanie a reușit să devină cunoscută în toată lumea, după ce pozele sale sexy au făcut senzație pe internet.

Este vorba despre Gemma Laird, profesoară la o școală primară din Marea Britanie. Tânăra de 21 de ani a fost concediată după ce părinții au descoperit pe internet poze extrem de sexy și provocatoare cu profesoara.

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În apărarea ei, Gemma a spus că cei din conducerea școlii știau de cariera ei de model, dar și că au lăudat-o pentru modul în care interacționează cu cei mici.

Profesoara a devenit astfel celebră în toată lumea, iar pozele sale sexy sunt acum virale în mediul online.

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***EMBARGO NO ONLINE USE BEFORE 15.00 GMT SATURDAY MARCH 26 2016*** Gemma Laird, 21, when she was doing a promo shoot for Memento Studios to help them raise their profile in 2014. See SWNS story SWMODEL; An aspiring teacher was fired from a primary school after a parent complained she was "unsuitable" to teach their kids - because she used to be a MODEL. Gemma Laird was called in by the headmistress after mums and dads tracked her down on Facebook and found photos of her work as a fashion and lingerie model. The mum-of-one, who has never done glamour modelling, was kicked out of the job on the basis that she would "damage the school's reputation". But she claims the school, Bloemfontein Primary in Co. Durham, were always aware of her modelling work - and still picked her for the role out of eight applicants.

***EMBARGO NO ONLINE USE BEFORE 15.00 GMT SATURDAY MARCH 26 2016*** Gemma Laird, 21, when she was doing a promo shoot for Memento Studios to help them raise their profile in 2014. See SWNS story SWMODEL; An aspiring teacher was fired from a primary school after a parent complained she was „unsuitable” to teach their kids – because she used to be a MODEL. Gemma Laird was called in by the headmistress after mums and dads tracked her down on Facebook and found photos of her work as a fashion and lingerie model. The mum-of-one, who has never done glamour modelling, was kicked out of the job on the basis that she would „damage the school’s reputation”. But she claims the school, Bloemfontein Primary in Co. Durham, were always aware of her modelling work – and still picked her for the role out of eight applicants.

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